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Thursday, September 26, 2019

Domestic Violence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Domestic Violence - Research Paper Example Commitments in personal and professional life have been increased a lot at present. All these factors may end up in some kind of conflicts between the family members and the ultimate result would be some kind of physical assault, mental torture or verbal torture. â€Å"Domestic violence, be it physical, emotional, sexual or verbal, changes everyone in the family unit† (Domestic Violence Information: The Process Of Healing). Domestic violence has lot of moral, social and family dimensions and implications. Sociologists and criminal justice system have different opinions about how to control or regulate domestic violence incidents. Some people argue that the abusers should be isolated from the family for a particular period of time in order to settle the issues and continue the life normally. Many others are of the views that such isolations may not help either the victim or the abuser in the long run. In most of the cases, the victim forced to continue his/her life with the abu ser; however the relationships between the abuser and the victim need not be the same as before. Moreover, â€Å"Abusers who engage in one instance of domestic violence are several times more likely to engage in similar behavior again† (Breaking the Cycle: Life After Domestic Violence). This paper analyses whether a victim should continue his/her life with the abuser even after serious clashes between them. You have been beaten. The bruises will fade and time will pass but that does not mean that this terrible thing that has happened to you will disappear. Domestic violence damages both internally and externally. You need to aim for a healing process that incorporates your whole person. This may be a lonely time no matter how many friends and family and supportive measures there are around you. Go inside of yourself and find out what you need to do to heal your heart. What hurts the most? How can you start to rebuild your wounded soul? Where can you get help and what type of help will be best for you? (Watson) Domestic violence is a crime which can affect not only the body, but also the mind or soul. The decision whether to continue with the abuser or not should be taken only after the correct assessment of the damage done, the reasons which forced the abuser to engage in such violent acts, possibilities of repetition of such acts in future, character and behavior of the abuser, family atmosphere and opinions of others. Most of the victims respond emotionally after the abusive incidents. They do not bother much about the future consequences since they may reach an excited mental state during and immediately after the abusive incident happens/happened. According to Natasha Kemp (2007), â€Å"The most dangerous time for a women in a violent abusive relationship is right after she has made the decision to leave the relationship, it is the most likely time that she will be murdered, by her intimate partner† (Kemp). Most of the domestic violence cases are happening because of a momentary lapse of mental control. It is quite possible that the abuser may regain his control immediately after the incident. He may feel repentance also. If the victim responds emotionally and takes a decision to leave the company of the abuser, the vengeance of the abuser could be increased and more serious problems may arise later. Jennifer-Crystal Johnson (2008) has pointed out that most of the â€Å"

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