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Monday, March 30, 2020

Machel and Nujoma Juxtaposed Revolutionaries free essay sample

This paper is a comparison of two revolutionary leaders in Africa. This paper concerns itself with applying Thomas H. Greens taxonomy of revolution leadership, ?Comparative Revolutionary Movements? to two cases in a comparative manner: the enigmatic personas of Samora Machel and Sam Nujoma. The author provides extensive background information on the revolutions and revolutionaries in question. The paper discusses how Green sets out an analytical framework for comparing revolutions based on the comparison of leadership, support, ideology, organization, techniques and external support. From the Paper: Revolution has pervaded the landscape of modern African history with a plethora of different examples. To be sure, from Algeria to Guinea Bissau, Angola to Mozambique and Zimbabwe to Namibia, Africa has seen her fair share of transformation-orientated uprising. Each of the myriad of African revolutions has their own story to tell regarding causes, characteristics and outcomes. This paper concerns itself with the characteristics of revolution. We will write a custom essay sample on Machel and Nujoma: Juxtaposed Revolutionaries or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To be specific, the leaderships aspects of revolution. Now, African history is colored with many great revolutionaries: Hendrik Witbooi, Joshua Nkomo, Robert Mugabe, Jonas Savimbi, Ben Bella, john Chilembwe and Bambatha all invoke in their own right memories of the some of the greatest African leaders of our time and that of the generations before us. It is important to understand the socio-psychology of this very unique type of leadership. To this end, we can employ the criterion of Thomas H Green, developed in his seminal work Comparative Revolutionary Movements.

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