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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Analysis Of The Documentary Blackfish - 962 Words

Sea World rebuttal was not considered in the documentary of â€Å"Blackfish† which clearly defines the bias views of the creator. So without choice, viewers are marked to take the side of the creator or leave the documentary feeling like a kid in a fine china shop, unable to touch or lose your balance for fear of shattering the look of the shop. Unfortunately, the problem with animal activist groups is that they force their religious views of animals on others with no other biases to consider. Hence, their real arguments are skewed and we are unable to clearly see the real poignant side without the opinions. There are significant arguments on both sides of the issue, but the real issues are keeping the animals in captivity, keeping them alive, keep the cycle of life continuing to grow and produce all that nature intended. Many believe for the purpose of learning more about ourselves as humans with have the right to explore our possibilities with the similarities of those of the mammal species. Theses people argue for the acceptable need for capturing the animals in the wild and keep them in a protected environment, there are several points to stated and generally cited. Theses include: Captivity kills orcas. Very few captive orcas make it to midlife (approximately 30 years for males and 45 for females) and not one out of more than 200 held in captivity has ever come close to old age (60 for males, 80 for females). Most captive orcas die while they are still very young by wildShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Documentary Blackfish1039 Words   |  5 Pages1. Author’s Primary Claim and Summary of Main Points: The documentary â€Å"Blackfish,† delivers the story of a killer whale that, at a young age, was stripped from his mother, and was then taken to perform shows and live in captivity at the highly popular SeaWorld resort. Seeing this killer whale take several lives at SeaWorld, the producers of this documentary hope to reveal the mistreatment of these animals in captivity, exploit the problems that lie within sea-park industries, and show that man hasRead MoreAnalysis Of The Documentary Blackfish Essay1424 Words   |  6 Pages Director Gabriela Cowperthwaite in the documentary, Blackfish (2013), argues that captivity triggers aggression in killer whales. Cowperthwaite supports her argument by demonstrating shocking footage and emotional interviews to present a convincing case against keeping these animals in captivity and for human entertainment. The author’s purpose is to show the problems that are caused by captivity in order to aware the audience that keeping killer whales in captivity affects their behaviorRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of The Documentary Blackfish By Gabriela Cowperthwaite929 Words   |  4 Pages In 2013 Gabriela Cowperthwaite produced and directed the documentary â€Å"Blackfish†. This documentary mainly focused on the issues behind killer whales being held in captivity such as at the famous amusement park Sea World, instead of the open ocean. Some negative outcomes of these animals being confined to such small spaces is, many accounts have been documented of the whales being agitated and having an aggressive tone with other whales and the trainers as well that work with them. A handful of theseRead MoreAnalysis Of Cicero s Oration : An Artifact Where Persuasion Is Working At Its Best.966 Words   |  4 PagesThe persuasion analyzed in Cicero’s oration can be seen across many contemporary artifacts, but Blackfish is an artifact where persuasion is working at its best. Blackfish is a documentary that was released in 2013 by Gabriela Cowperthwaite. This documentary tells the story of killer whales in captivity, with a large portion of the story surrounding Tilikum. Tilikum is an orca who has severely hurt or killed several trainers while in captivity. The documentary’s website states that the film aimsRead MoreFilm Analysis : Blackfish 1475 Words   |  6 PagesDocumentary Film Analysis: Blackfish Purpose: â€Å"Blackfish† the documentary film was created to reveal how confinement of killer whales can lead to dangerous behavior toward human trainers. The main claim this film displayed is how the captivity of Killer Whales triggers aggression and is unsafe for humans and other marine mammals. Blackfish uses the story of Tilikum (most aggressive killer whale who killed the most amount of Sea World trainers), interviews of previous trainers, and court hearingsRead MoreSea World Park And Entertainment Company3696 Words   |  15 Pageschance to see in the wild. On 19th January 2013, a documentary named BLACKFISH premiered at the sundana film festival. Blackfish is directed by Gabriela cowperthwaite. This documentary features Tilikum the killer whale, trainers and people who were associated with sea world. Documentary is mainly focused on the death of the trainers that took place in the past years, and how these animals are being treated at sea world. Blackfish tired to understand and explain the reasons behind sea world’s

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